Walk for Freedom Rio Rancho

Sponsoring Churches

You are invited!

Join Healing Hearts Ministries on Saturday, March 15th, for our first annual Walk for Freedom event in New Mexico as we gather in Christ’s name to pray for and lift up the hurting and broken (seen and unseen) throughout Rio Rancho & Albuquerque.

The event kicks off at 10 AM with a short message from Pastor Roy Weaver of Calvary Rio Rancho, followed by testimonies from Healing Hearts, and a short time of worship, before we split up to walk around Haynes Park and pray for God to work in our communities. Come fellowship and be part of making a difference in the hearts and lives of your community!

2006 Grande Blvd SE, Rio Rancho

How to get involved:

  • Donate to our Walk
  • Register for your own Walk to raise funds
  • Buy apparel to raise awareness

Donate to our Walk:

Walk for Freedom Rio Rancho

My name is Julie Zimmerman. I am Healing Hearts' Regional Director serving over New Mexico and…

$264 of $1,000 raised

Walk for Freedom Rio Rancho

$264 of $1,000 raised

My name is Julie Zimmerman. I am Healing Hearts’ Regional Director serving over New Mexico and a resident of Rio Rancho. I am excited to be able to help organize New Mexico’s first annual Walk for Freedom this year! I hope you can consider joining me on March 15th at Haynes Park (see details).

I was introduced to Healing Hearts in 1999. With much fear and uncertainty, I came face to face with “the truth that set me free”, and since that time, I have never been the same. The transformational truth that Jesus’ death on the cross is sufficient for all sin, even the paralyzing sin of abortion, lit a fire to share this truth with other struggling women in bondage to their own sin. The still, small voice of the Holy Spirit whispered, “What the enemy used to hold you down for so long, Jesus will use to free you to share the truth that truly sets souls free”. I have been a part of the Healing Hearts leadership team since 2001 and have had a front-row seat to watch the Holy Spirit transform lives and families beyond anything I could ever imagine. The Word of God changed me, and it is changing lives every day like nothing else can.

Please consider supporting this gospel-centered, grace-driven ministry that continues to impact men, women & children around the globe. When people are saved, their lives are transformed and by extension, their communities and nations are truly changed!

May The LORD bless you!

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Donation Total: $10.00

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Creating and sharing a custom donation page with your friends and family, telling them why you are excited about raising funds for Healing Hearts is an excellent way to spread the word about our ministry. It's quick and easy!

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Raise awareness and start conversations with a Hat, T-shirt, Hoodies, Decal, and more...

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Questions? Email local HH representative Julie Zimmerman at juliez@healinghearts.org.