Kansas, let's be pro-life for every life!Defend the unborn and heal the broken.
Christians For Life invites you to join us for a special event Saturday, March 25th, 2-4pm
Guest Speaker Sue Liljenberg, founder & director of Healing Hearts Ministries International, was born and raised in Topeka. Hear how God used her fateful abortion to draw her to salvation, to healing, an to a life mission to reach post-abortive women & men with the hope and healing only found in the Gospel. Discover how you can do the same in your churches and communities.
Shelly Brush

Learn more about Healing Hearts' mission, our model of ministry, and how you can equip your church:
Read our free online booklet
or watch the video testimonies below:
Heart Hearts Bible Studies Change Lives!

For 25 years after their pre-marital abortion, Sandy could not say the word abortion. She would tell you that the abortion "changed every relationship I had had before, or every relationship that would come after, it changed everything in my life." The years could not shake the guilt and shame that followed both of them and nearly destroyed their marriage. Learn how God met Chad and Sandy, using Healing Hearts' post-abortive studies to apply the true healing and hope of His Word and transform their lives and marriage.
Learn more about our post-abortive studies,
Binding Up the Brokenhearted and Restoring a Father's Heart

Growing up "good Christians", meeting and marrying at a Christian College - none of that mattered when pornography got ahold of Dan and Rachel's marriage. Rachel says now that discovering Dan's pornography addiction, "changed the course of marriage for us at that time." It would be a long road to finding healing and forgiveness, but God was up to the task. Hear how He used Healing Hearts' studies to restore and heal a struggling marriage and strengthen faltering faith... and how God is using them to now minister to others with the Healing Hearts' ministry model.
Learn more about our women's and men's studies,
The Hem of His Garment and The Good Fight