Maria T Knotts (Terri)
Executive Director
Terri stepped into the role of Executive Director in 2023. She was led to Healing Hearts Ministries in 2012 after more than 20 years of secrecy regarding her abortions. Through one of the Healing Hearts studies she experienced healing from her abortions through the Word of God and a deeper understanding of her new identity in Jesus Christ. The healing and restoration Terri received led her to a new passion to minister to other women who are suffering from abortion, rape, sexual addiction, betrayal, and abandonment and to counsel these women utilizing the Healing Hearts studies or the online study. She trains and mentors new leaders to counsel women, and looks forward to opportunities to share her story and the message of Hope found in Jesus Christ. Terri is blessed with seven sisters and a brother, she is an aunt to many nieces and nephews, and currently resides in Rio Rancho, NM.

Maria T Knotts (Terri)Executive Director

Sue Liljenberg
Founder & Board Chair
Sue is the Founder and current Board Chair of Healing Hearts Ministries after 35 years serving as its Executive Director. Healing Hearts Ministries was birthed from Sue’s personal experience with an abortion at the age of 18 and all of the emotional and physical complications that followed. In 1982, she experienced healing from her abortion through Jesus Christ and felt led to comfort other women who have experienced the same trauma. Using the Bible as a foundation, she has counseled women since 1984 and is the author of three Bible studies that have ministered to women, men, and youth across the United States and around the world. Her story has been shared with thousands over radio, television, at women’s conferences, and in churches across the United States. Her radio show was broadcast on KGNW in Seattle, Washington for six years.
Sue married Gary Liljenberg in 1984 and is the stepmother to his three sons, Tim, Tom, and Mark and a proud grandmother of three granddaughters, Emma, Malia and Mikayla. Sue is a former Boeing employee and her husband retired from Boeing after 45 years of service.

Sue LiljenbergFounder & Board Chair

Ed Maloney
Director of Men's Ministry
Ed grew up in the Hartford area of Connecticut. He served in the US Air Force from 1970-1974, specializing in communications. Ed relocated to California in 1977 and spent 40-plus years in the entertainment industry in the audio and lighting field. He received Jesus as Lord and savior in early 1980. Following his retirement, Ed and his wife, Lesley, relocated to South Carolina from Southern California in July of 2021. (Leslie previously served as the Southeastern regional director for Healing Hearts Ministries.) Ed has a biological daughter, 40, and two stepdaughters, 23 & 20.
A graduate of Living Praise Christian fellowship's 3-year bible school program, Ed currently is serving as an elder in his church, Calvary Chapel of Greenville, SC. Ed has functioned in drug and alcohol
counseling for the past 13 years. He participated in Healing Hearts' "Restoring a Father's Heart" Bible study in 2019 and became a certified counselor in 2020. In January of 2023, Ed accepted the position as the regional director of the Healing Hearts men's ministry.
Ed's heart is to help men find the liberty that Christ came to bring us. In his words, "too many men come to Christ but do not experience all the freedom that Christ has for them due to past and present lifestyles. It is my desire to engage men to come to honest confession, repentance, and restoration through God's living word. I love teaching God's Word and cherish each time that I get to do it."
For relaxation, Ed enjoys golfing, boating, and gardening.

Ed MaloneyDirector of Men's Ministry

Judy Hansen
Training Advisor
Judy has been with Healing Hearts Ministries since 1991 and has been the driving force in developing and overseeing its biblical training program. She has been involved in Christian ministries since 1982, currently serving as a board member. Judy maintains a passionate belief that God's Word is sufficient to meet all the needs of mankind. Judy has had oversight for women's ministry, small group ministry, intercessory prayer groups, counseling ministry, and pre-marital counseling.
Judy and her husband, Doug, have been married since 1978.

Judy HansenTraining Advisor

Teresa Rinker
Director of the Pacific Northwest Region
(Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington & Wyoming)
Teresa Rinker has a passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ and bringing His healing, transforming, saving message to others. She has enjoyed serving with Healing Hearts since she herself experienced healing as a client going through one of the first Healing Hearts Bible study groups in 1985. Teresa’s life and marriage were transformed by the love of Jesus and the Word of God as it bound up her own broken heart and life. In addition to her work with Healing Hearts, Teresa loves teaching women in a weekly Bible study as well as through weekend retreats. Seeing women set free from sin and self, to love and be loved, is her passion and joy! Teresa also enjoys her work as an office manager at Woman to Woman, women's medical clinic, in Washington State. She and Scott have been married since 1977 and are the parents of three grown children and nine precious grandchildren whom they adore.

Teresa RinkerDirector of the Pacific Northwest Region

Cathy Mulvey
Director of the Pacific Southwest Region
(Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada & Utah.)
She is also the Healing Hearts Ambassador to Uganda & South Africa)
Cathy was introduced to Healing Hearts Ministries while in the midst of a marital crisis caused by sin. It was during this season that she was counseled to allow the Lord to unbury the sins of her past as well as the sins of others, so that she could be washed clean of her guilt and shame. With trepidation, Cathy proceeded through the Healing Hearts Bible Studies and discovered that the Lord's Word truly is filled with the inseparable combination of grace and truth. She found the Lord's forgiveness for ALL of her sins, even her grievous choice to have an abortion. In addition, she came to understand the freedom gifted to her and how to live in the fullness of Jesus Christ.
As a result of His redemption, restoration, and freedom, Cathy was able to extend to her husband the same grace, mercy, and forgiveness she received from Christ Jesus. It was during this season of suffering and joy that the Lord created a passion in Cathy for women who have been hurt and broken by the effects of sin. She has been leading group studies, doing e-ministry, counseling one-on-one, and mentoring younger women since 2008. Her heart's desire is to comfort others in any trouble with the same comfort she has received from God.
Cathy's love for the Lord and His Word continues to flourish as she witnesses His redemption in the lives of many broken women and marriages. She continues to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord through Bible studies, ongoing Biblical counselor training, and the counselor certification process. Today, Cathy gives all the glory to God that her marriage is now built on the foundation of God's Word, and she and John will soon celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. Cathy loves to spend time with her two adult daughters; she enjoys traveling wherever and whenever, and loves sharing food and fellowship with others.

Cathy MulveyDirector of the Pacific Southwest Region

Julie Bashore
Director of the Canada & Mid-North Regions
(Canada, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota & Nebraska)
Julie was in a prison of shame over her abortion for 13 years until she was freed by God’s Word though Healing Hearts in 2000. For the past twenty years, she has been involved with Healing Hearts as a group leader, Minnesota State Director and Regional Director for the Mid-North Region. She loves to see God’s Word change women completely from the inside out, just like she experienced. Julie has shared her own testimony of hope and healing after abortion in churches, radio, for women’s conferences, MOPs groups, 40 Days for Life , and for Silent No More Minnesota. Julie has a B.A. in English and Journalism as well as an M.S. in Scientific and Technical Communication. She also has a Foundations in Biblical Counseling certificate from Christian Counseling and Education Foundation (CCEF), Glenside, PA. She counsels women one-on-one and in group settings as well as online. Another passion of Julie’s is running. She has completed marathons and half-marathons, but most of all loves encouraging women to run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Heb. 12:1). She is married to Tracy and they have three married children and three grandchildren.

Julie BashoreDirector of the Canada & Mid-North Regions

Julie Zimmerman
Director of the Midwest Region
(Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma & Texas)
Julie was introduced to Healing Hearts in 1999. With much fear and uncertainty she came face to face with "the truth that set her free", and has never been the same. The transformational truth that Jesus' death on the cross is sufficient for all sin, even the paralyzing sin of abortion, lit a fire to share this truth with other struggling women in bondage to their own sin. The still, small voice of the Holy Spirit whispered, "What the enemy used to hold you down for so long, Jesus will use to free you to share the truth that truly sets souls free". Julie has been a part of Healing Hearts leadership since 2001. She has been a Group leader, E-counselor, one-on-one mentor, Core Group Leader, and Regional Director. Her passion for discipleship has resulted in many opportunities to share her testimony with church groups, civic groups, pregnancy centers and juvenile hall outreach. She has been a staff member in her local churches and most recently, the Director of Discipleship in her church prior to relocating to New Mexico, where she now resides with her retired husband Dan. Julie has three grown children, two sons-in-law and two grandchildren. She enjoys sharing her passion for health and active living, gardening, hiking and taking walks with her husband and dogs.

Julie ZimmermanDirector of the Midwest Region

Irene Pizzimenti
Director of the Great Lakes & Northeast Region
Great Lakes (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio & Wisconsin)
Northeast (Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont & Washington D. C.)
She is also the Healing Hearts ambassador to Europe
Irene has been involved in Healing Hearts since 2019, recently accepting a promotion to serve as Regional Director for regions 3 and 5. She has served as a worship leader in some capacity through much of her adult life. Irene is a mom to three beautiful girls and acquired a son-in-law in May 2021. After raising their family in Michigan, Irene and her husband now currently reside in North Carolina.

Irene PizzimentiDirector of the Great Lakes & Northeast Region

Deb Mallon
Director of the Southeast & Appalachia Regions
Southeast (Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, S. Carolina & Florida)
Appalachia (Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, & West Virginia)
Deb was introduced to Healing Hearts in 1999. Seeking God’s truth and healing from an abortion that had completely changed the trajectory of her life. Subsequently she felt called to serve in Healing Hearts to come alongside other suffering, lost women. Deb went through training to become a bible study leader in 2001.
Having recently moved from Washington State to Jacksonville Florida, Deb led women through the Binding Up the Brokenhearted and The Hem of His Garment studies for several years through her church. She also served as the ministries on-line counseling program coordinator.
Taking a hiatus from ministry to homeschool her son, she and her family had made two other out of state moves since then to Austin, Texas and eventually retiring with her husband Bryan and two dogs on the beautiful Gulf Coast of Alabama. During those years Deb also served as an Administrative Assistant for a Crisis Pregnancy Center, Office Administrator for her church and assistant to the Regional Director of her church. Sensing a very strong call by the Lord a few years ago, Deb returned to Healing Hearts as an online Bible study leader. She has since served the ministry as an Area Coordinator and State Coordinator for Alabama and now as a Regional Director. She has a passion for discipleship, mentoring, and studying God’s Word. Deb’s a fierce defender of The Truth and the complete sufficiency of God and His Word for everything in life without exception.
Deb also enjoys sharing her love of all things healthy, gardening, and spending precious time with her son Blaine, daughter-in-law April and two beautiful grandchildren, Jameson and Ainsley.

Deb MallonDirector of the Southeast & Appalachia Regions

Lue Feathers
E-ministry Coordinator
Lue has served as a trained leader with Healing Hearts since 2001. She began facilitating Healing Hearts Bible studies in women's small groups, but as the needs of our ministry grew and as technology advanced, Lue transitioned into leading women through our Bible studies via email and then online through Healing Hearts' website. Currently, she trains all new incoming leaders how to use Healing Hearts' website and is our go-to gal for any technical questions that clients or leaders may have. Lue is married to Chuck and they have two grown children. She also serves on the creative arts tech team in her home church.

Lue FeathersE-ministry Coordinator
Healing Hearts has divided the U.S. into 9 regions, each with its own director. You can view a PDF of the Regional Division Map by clicking the image on the left.
If you would like to contact any of the people on our leadership team, please use the Contact Form below to see if we have a trained leader available in your area to come to your church and facilitate a group if there is a need. You may also use our Speaker Request Form to request one of our speakers to present Healing Hearts Ministries to your church, women’s group, or organization.