May 2012 Prayer Letter
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Healing Hearts Ministries Internaional [LOGO]

Dear Friend,

Dear Friends,

Spring is here, or at least the calendar says it is. Here in the Pacific Northwest I think someone forgot to tell Mother Nature as we are still seeing cold snaps, snow, wind, rain and hail. As the saying goes, if you don't like the weather just hang around and it will change! I wish the same thing could be said for those who are broken and in need of God's healing touch. Unfortunately time does not heal wounds only God's Word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit heals and sets the brokenhearted free to live the abundant life.

All of us who serve in Healing Hearts are so blessed to be part of God's plan to bind up the brokenhearted. God's Word is powerful! As we minister God's Word we see lives transformed right before our eyes. We are also blessed to have faithful partners in ministry, like you, who pray for us and give sacrificially so that this work can continue. Thank you for all that you do to support the great work that God is doing in Healing Hearts.

This month I would like to ask for your prayers for our E-Ministry clients and for all of our faithful leaders who sacrifice time to serve individuals through our E- ministry, and for Lue Feathers who
oversees this area of ministry.
It is truly exciting to see how this ministry has grown over the years and how God has used it to minister to men and women all over the globe. There are no limits with God and He hears the cries of the wounded. Psalm 107:19-20 says "Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble; He saved them out of their distresses. He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions."

Currently we are ministering to people in the following states/countries through our E-ministry.

AK - 1
AR - 1
AZ - 1
CA - 14
CO - 4
FL - 1
GA - 2
IA - 1
IL - 3
IN - 4
KY - 4
ME - 1
MI - 5
MN - 7
MO - 2
MS - 1
NC - 2
ND - 1
NE - 2
NJ - 8
NM - 1
NV - 2
NY - 5
OH - 1
OK - 3
OR - 5
PA - 4
TN - 1
TX - 4
VA - 5
WA - 18

Foreign Countries
Australia - 1
Canada - 9
Italy - 1
Netherlands - 2
Peru - 1
Surrey, BC Canada - 1
Switzerland - 1
United Kingdom - 1
USVI - 1

The testimonies below are just a small sample of the fruit we see daily from our web ministry.

Let me begin by saying, this is not your typical bible study, my heart before this study and after are worlds apart. It's like night and day. I had such average expectations because of my past experiences, but God quickly set me straight. I looked forward to each lesson to see a new way that God's scriptures unfolded new truth into my life. It revealed my broken heart and gently put the pieces back together. God still has much work to do in many areas of my life, but I know He will love me through it. Not only have I been changed by God's word, but through the opportunity to respond to the lessons and my interaction with my precious counselor, God revealed even more truth and grace to me. "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13 I was striving to seek Him with my whole heart, yet could not because my heart was hard and unable to be wholly seeking Him. I had so much un-confessed sin and wrong thinking. He filled my heart with love and truth and my heart softened. With a forgiven, light heart, I can come to Him fully and seek Him with ALL MY HEART. Only through the love of God, my confession and repentance and God's truth would this have ever been possible. God has given me an authentic relationship with Him. All things have been and will be brought into His light and His blood covers it all. Thank you Lord! All glory and honor and praise to you HOLY name!! Philippians 1:6 "M"

Praise to Our Dear Heavenly Father and Our Dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit for Healing Hearts. I was immersed in deep guilt and shame for the sins of my past…and through the forgiveness and mercy of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I truly know that I am forgiven and set free from all the guilt and shame. Strongholds and lies that I had believed even about Christianity have been torn down and replaced with the Truth. The pure Word of the Gospel has truly penetrated my heart and I am not the same. I know deep down within my soul and spirit that I will never be the same again. I cannot live in the bitterness, un-forgiveness, self-pity, fear, etc. that I held in my heart before Healing Hearts. I truly know that I am on the right path now. I am so grateful for my counselor. She was such an encouragement and a blessing and prayer warrior for and to me. I am willing for Our Lord to use me to share Healing Hearts with whomever He wants me to as He has already been doing. Thank you Healing Hearts servants. Thank You my Lord Jesus Christ for Your Life, Sacrifice, Death, Burial, Resurrection and Oh So Great Salvation! "L"

We thank God and praise Him daily for the fruit that we see from this ministry. It costs approximately $36,000 a year for web programming and to keep this area of ministry growing. Not only are we seeing
restored lives, but we are seeing those who have been restored raised up as leaders. We hope that you will prayerfully consider being a monthly donor to Healing Hearts so that we will be able to continue to
grow this very vital area of our ministry. No gift is too small. God is the great divider of the loaves and fishes! Any help you can give us will be greatly appreciated.

May the Lord bless and keep you always.

In Jesus Love

International Director

Ways you can help

To Make a Donation

You may use the donation form on our website to make a donation, or you may also submit your check to the address provided below.

Healing Hearts Ministries is a federally registered non-profit corporation, all contributions are tax deductible. One hundred percent of all contributions made to Healing Hearts go directly toward supporting the various aspects of our ministry no "administrative fee" is collected by a fund-raising service. All donations and expenditures are internally and independently monitored and audited. Annual financial statements are available upon request.

We thank you for considering contributing to our ministry. Your contribution will enable us to reach out and touch individuals who need the hope and healing message that only Jesus has to offer.

To donate online click this link:

Send checks to:
Healing Hearts Ministries
PO Box 44670 Rio Rancho, NM 87174

phone (505) 355-6922