June 2024 Prayer Letter
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Dear Friend,

Greetings, Healing Hearts Family!

I extend warm greetings to each and every one of you, for in our shared journey within Healing Hearts, we are indeed one unified family, brought together for a purpose as profound as this. Whether we serve in leadership capacities, offer counseling, manage administrative tasks, or lend support to the ministry in any capacity, we stand united as a team. In the wisdom of Jesus, who likened those who do the will of His Father to his own kin, we find the perfect model for our cohesive bond. Families exemplify care, support, encouragement, and prayer for one another, and in our roles within Healing Hearts, we embody these same values. Each of us has been divinely led to this juncture in our lives, reading this communication, and I am deeply grateful for your presence and dedication.

Allow me to commence by expressing heartfelt gratitude to all who have steadfastly upheld the men's ministry in prayer over the years. True fidelity in prayer entails a commitment that transcends visible outcomes, persisting even when tangible results are scarce. Let us not forget that our struggle is against spiritual forces in the unseen realm, and victory is secured through fervent prayer. I am firm in my belief that if we fully comprehended the power and efficacy of intercessory prayer, we would double, perhaps even triple, our efforts in this vital area.

After many years of dedicated service in leadership within the men's ministry, Alan Van Boven will be stepping down from his role in Healing Hearts Ministries. As in a relay race, where one runner passes the baton to the next upon completing their leg of the race, Alan has faithfully completed his segment, relinquishing the baton to me in January of 2023. This past year has been much like the period during a relay race when both runners are holding the baton while the two match their pace to ensure a seamless handoff. As I begin my leg of the race, I commend Alan for his invaluable contributions to the ministry and his profound insights into biblical counseling. The future accomplishments of the men's ministry will stand as a testament to Alan's groundwork. I earnestly request your prayers for Alan and Ginger Van Boven, that the Lord's blessings may abundantly grace them, preserving their health and enriching their family life.

Moving forward, I have asked Ron Morehead to join me on my turn around the track to oversee our post-abortive side of the men’s ministry, making him the area coordinator over the Restoring a Father’s Heart (RFH) men’s study. Currently, Ron is our only active certified counselor for the post-abortive study. We anticipate the imminent addition of two new counselors, David Taylor and Elvert Miller, who will join Ron in enhancing the post-abortive men's study team. I urge you to uphold Ron Morehead and his team in your prayers, as he seeks divine wisdom, insight, and endurance for the nurturing of the RFH side of our ministry.

Presently, I am directly overseeing The Good Fight (TGF) study, which ministers to men of all backgrounds. Over the past 16 months, we have experienced significant growth, welcoming five new TGF counselors—Don Henderson, Ron Brush, Ron Peavler, Michael Bradfield, and Charles Ives—into our ranks alongside John DeLillo. Additionally, we are in the process of training two more brothers—Chris Chisholm, and Pastor Ray Cruz—whose contributions will further amplify our efforts.

Indeed, the whirlwind of growth in the men's ministry is a testament to the divine orchestration of the Lord. Yet, we find ourselves grappling to keep pace with the demands of our client base. In Matthew 9, Jesus aptly observes, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few." That is certainly true of our current season! He then goes on to command us, “Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” So, as the Lord commands, please pray for laborers. Let us collectively petition the Lord to bring forth mature Christian men, healed through the RFH or TGF study, who would also fervently desire to extend the gift of freedom they received to their fellow brethren.

You can help us grow! We continue to offer pastors, elders, and small group leaders the opportunity to utilize our men’s study materials and leader’s guides to form pilot groups with the men of their church. We hope that these pilot groups will jumpstart the process of identifying men whom God would call to pursue certification and serve with us. We invite you to share this opportunity with your church’s pastors or elders. Please refer them to healinghearts.org/mens-authorized-buyer to learn more.

PRAY WITH US: For Ed & RW to lead the men’s ministry effectively with wisdom and strength that the Lord provides, not relying on their own; for the Lord’s blessing upon Alan Van Boven’s retirement from Healing Hearts Ministries; for our team of men’s counselors to care well for the study participants the Lord is bringing us and endurance for keeping up the current pace; for the Lord to raise up more qualified men to join our team; for patience to wait on the Lord’s perfect timing in all things.

We earnestly covet your prayers for endurance, wisdom, and discernment for our leadership and counseling staff, ever mindful that without the guidance of His Spirit, our efforts would be in vain. Thank you, too, for helping to keep this ministry funded so we can continue to train, equip, support and send qualified laborers out into the harvest. To learn more about our current needs and how your gift of $25, $50, $100 or more can make a difference, please visit www.healinghearts.org/donate.

May the Lord's blessings be upon you abundantly,
Edwin Maloney
Regional Director of Men’s Ministry

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PO Box 44670 Rio Rancho, NM 87174

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