Heather Congo’s Walk for Freedom

$371 of $500 raised

Thank you for checking out my walk page! My name is Heather Congo and I have been a Healing Hearts leader in Calgary for over 12 years. I have been married to Chad for 28/38 years and we have 3 incredible children – Tara, Robyn (Reece) and Ryan (Gurleen) and 3 beautiful grandchildren – Jude, Justus and Ivy.

Healing Hearts is a ministry that brought great freedom and healing into my life when I was desperate for help. I ended up taking both of the women’s studies – Binding Up the Brokenhearted and The Hem of His Garment. Through these 2 studies I received help an healing from the Holy Spirit for the many traumas in my life, and I got to know the God of the Universe in a new and special way. These studies, through the help of Jesus, brought me peace in a time of chaos. I then knew that the Lord was calling me to try to help other women in the same way. Being a part of Healing Hearts has been such a huge blessing in my life.

I would like to ask for your support in bringing that hope and healing to other women in the Calgary area. Any tiny bit will help to keep us operational with materials and our amazing website, as well as helping me to go to our annual conference for all of the leaders worldwide. I appreciate your support both financially and with prayer, but especially your prayers.

Thank you so much and may the Lord bring great hope and peace to your life!

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Donation Total: $10.00

Walk Supporters:


Tamara Graham

September 4, 2024


Marie-Claire Lajoie

August 3, 2024


Chad Congo

August 2, 2024


Tara Congo

July 31, 2024


Shauna Caldwell

July 31, 2024

Heather, bless you for the ministry you have been serving so faithfully in...


Shirley Mooney

July 29, 2024


Rozina (I go by Thea) Vandermey

July 28, 2024

Way to go Heather! You are an AMAZING coach. Thank you for all you do. Love Thea
