Julie Zimmerman’s Walk for Freedom

$500 of $5,000 raised

Hello Friends,

My name is Julie Zimmerman, and I not only serve as a volunteer for Healing Hearts Ministries International, I was a client nearly 25 years ago. I had a deep, dark secret of shame and guilt that I swore would never see the light of day. I believed it was something that had happened in the past, and in the past, it would stay. Meanwhile, I was trying so desperately to outrun that past and make up for it by attempting to be the perfect mom & wife. My efforts were failing miserably, and I was on the fast track to completely destroying my family and myself. One day, as I sat in a friend’s living room, I picked up her church bulletin, and there, in what seemed like a huge neon sign, there was an announcement for a Healing Hearts Post-Abortion Bible Study. My heart raced, and I knew that even though I felt exposed, something was drawing me to call the number. With fear and trepidation, I anxiously embarked on the journey of my life. To come to the point of utter helplessness and see that all of my human efforts to save myself were futile and an offense to a Holy God was devastating. I had never even thought to seek The LORD for forgiveness for the premeditated murder of my children. When I had come to the end of all my rationalizations and excuses, it was there The LORD Jesus Christ showed up and revealed His plan of salvation, transferring my dead soul from the darkness of the enemy’s kingdom into the Light and glory of Jesus’ eternal kingdom. So profound was my salvation and rescue that, all these years later, the LORD has continued to sanctify and commission me to serve others as I have been served.

Healing Hearts exists to “Bind up the brokenhearted.” We are committed to serving men, women, and teens in the local church with the power of The Gospel to all the broken places in the hearts of the saved and lost individuals in our local communities through our life-changing discipleship counseling…Healing families, one heart at a time. Please join me in supporting the work of this ministry, which is daily making an impact of gospel hope in communities around the globe.

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Donation Total: $10.00

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June 18, 2024
