(as featured in the December 2017 prayer letter)

CONNIE BOYER is a Healing Hearts Certified Counselor whose love for the Savior and passion for God's Word fuel her intense desire to see hurting women lifted and healed. Her own journey towards healing was a hard one. Raised with an abusive and alcoholic father, bearing a child out of wedlock, suffering abuse and betrayal from her own husband and living through an unwanted divorce, Connie maintained a strong faith but was weighed down with guilt and shame. Through difficult times she sought strength through prayer and Bible study, praying earnestly that she would be able to forgive—but complete freedom eluded her.

SABRINA BOYER, Connie's daughter, is quick to credit her mom with passing down the faith, not only by taking her to church and youth group regularly, but also by being a living example of dependency on Christ. Through the hard years, mom and daughter would lean on and encourage one another. In fact, Sabrina grew in her faith and developed a strong desire to give her life to Christian service. As a young adult she served in youth ministry and went to ministry training school. But after graduation, Sabrina felt discouraged and burnt-out. Backsliding, she began using alcohol and drugs and continued in sexual sin. She would eventually have an abortion, and then another—a secret she kept from her mom.

Connie and Sabrina agreed to share their inspiring story with us in a recent interview.

What were the personal struggles that led you to first seek healing?

CONNIE: In the beginning, I didn't feel I was having any struggles. I was recommended for Healing Hearts leadership and went through the Hem of His Garment study. I soon learned I was not healed from the pain, shame, and guilt of my divorce. I was still harboring unforgiveness toward my former husband for his betrayal. The Lord was not done with me yet! However, He understood what it was to be betrayed!
SABRINA: After being in ministry, serving the Lord and even attending school to get my ministry license, I found myself backslidden, drinking, clubbing and having sex. I was still bound by guilt and shame. I was in a dark place when my Mom suggested I take The Hem of His Garment. It was the only study being taught at the time and she did not yet know I was post-abortive.

How did you first hear about Healing Hearts Ministries?

CONNIE: From a Healing Hearts counselor.
SABRINA: From my mom.

How would you characterize your relationship before going through the study?

CONNIE: My first answer would be we were close. Yet we were fracture in many other areas.
SABRINA: My mom and I have always been very close, however at this time it was co-dependent, strained and somewhat distant.

What effect did you have on each other when first deciding to take the study?

CONNIE: Sabrina was very supportive, excited and encouraged me to go through the Hem.
SABRINA: On several occasions my mom lovingly suggested I take the Hem of His Garment study, as she had been asked to be a Healing Hearts Counselor and was taking the study herself. Upon going into training she again suggested I take the study and I finally summited and agreed. Sometime later she told me about Binding Up the Broken Hearted, and in a conversation shortly after I confessed I was post-abortive. She suggested I take the Binding Up study. I told her I had dealt with my abortion, (never being able to talk about the others, as there were multiple) but she said that this study was like no other and I should consider it. A couple of years passed and she again suggested the Binding Up the Brokenhearted study. Each time she brought it up, it turned into an argument with me insisting I had been through other types of healing and had dealt with it. At the beginning of this year, with all the talk about Planned Parenthood and abortion statistics, I finally submitted and started the Binding Up the Brokenhearted study. Let me assure you, it is like no other. It has given me the Word of God concerning my complete healing and addressed the issues no one can or will talk about regarding the sin and grief that comes with having abortions. This study has changed my life I have been set free and received complete healing. I have a renewed sense of purpose and I'm committed to lead of woman as a Healing Hearts Biblical Counselor.

How do you encourage each other now, post-study?

CONNIE: We intercede for each other and we pray together. We discuss the revelation we each received from the study. I encouraged her to become a Healing Hearts Counselor after receiving her healing and to step into her calling and walk in the purpose God created her for.
SABRINA: We encourage each daily. She is an amazing leader and counselor. She has been authorized, anointed and appointed for such a time as this. We pray, intercede, fellowship and continue to grow in the things of the Lord.

What changes did you observe in each other during and after the study?

CONNIE: Sabrina's heart was being softened with each lesson and she was opening up and sharing more. After the study, it continues to get easier to communicate more openly and she is more trusting.
SABRINA: Once true healing was received, I was able to love and receive love. I was no longer hypersensitive and bitter. Purpose was restored and clear. There was a renewed love and comfort, and for the first time in a long time, I was able to be completely honesty and trusting. We are able to address the really difficult issues of family and everyday life.

What effect of your participation in HH studies had on your relationship?

CONNIE: It has helped me to give more grace and to have compassion in the areas of guilt and shame; to die to self and love more.
SABRINA: Complete restoration, trust, and unconditional love. We are committed to our relationship. We still have challenges but we walk in the grace and love of Jesus.

To Connie: What were your hopes for your daughter going into the study?

CONNIE: Before learning she was post-abortive, my hope was that she would surrender to the Lord and follow him in obedience. I hoped that she would embrace God's Word and receive fresh revelation. After learning she was post-abortive, I prayed for her to go through the Binding Up the Brokenhearted study. I had to give it to the Lord, because every time I tried to speak about it to her, it was not received. It was a sensitive area and I always seemed to say something wrong. I wanted her to experience deliverance from shame and guilt and to be a voice and a witness of the Lord's transforming power!

To Sabrina: What have you observed in your mom's life as she has served as a Healing Hearts Counselor in the years since?

SABRINA: She continues to seek the face of the Lord and abide in His Word. Her passion and drive to see women healed, whole, and set free burns like never before. She is bold and unashamed, lives by example, and strives to glorify God in all she does. She inspires me.

Talk about the impact that receiving forgiveness has had on your life and faith.

CONNIE: I never want to forget nor take for granted the gift of eternal life. I am forever grateful for the costly price Jesus paid so that I would receive forgiveness! It cost Jesus His life, and out of love and obedience I choose to extend forgiveness, grace, mercy and love to others.
SABRINA: When I finally decided to take the Binding Up the Brokenhearted study after telling myself and truly believing I had dealt with my abortions, the forgiving I have received has been liberating and life-changing. I have been truly set free from the guilt and shame and it has renewed my faith, given me a renewed purpose, restored relationship, deliverance, passion and boldness. I want to see women set free, healed and serving Jesus.

What do you see as the ongoing impact from these changes?

CONNIE: Every new Healing Hearts live group that I lead or co-lead is a new opportunity to point women to Jesus; to be His witness; to minister healing and restoration.
SABRINA: Continued growth and passion to serve God and to be used by Him for His glory through Healing Hearts as Counselors. To see our family, church, community, and world healed, whole and glorifying Jesus.

What drew you to the desire to become a Healing Hearts Counselor?

CONNIE: Having the privilege of witnessing broken women being transformed by God's love, mercy and amazing grace. Knowing that this can only happen as we understand and receive what Jesus' death on the cross purchased for us! Our salvation and healing!
SABRINA: I have been serving the Lord for 25 years. I have a passion for women and youth and I have walked through it and know there is nothing like these studies available. The work has been done, the tools are available, the training is outstanding. It is confirmed over and over again there is nothing like Healing Hearts.

To Connie: What has been the greatest blessing of being Healing Hearts Counselor?

CONNIE: First, my love for my Savior Jesus Christ and my passion for His WORD and its power. I choose to be His instrument. Next, my love for the women and wanting them to experience healing. I pray hat we all may glorify Father, Son and Holy Spirit with our lives and minister to others as we were ministered to.

What would you want to say to women that are on the fence about taking a Healing Hearts study?

CONNIE: Jesus is calling you! There is no time to waste, come and experience His love, grace and mercy and receive your healing! The Hem of His Garment and the Binding Up the Brokenhearted studies are like no other Bible Study. You will never be the same!
SABRINA: Just do it! God loves you so much and you are so worth it. Completely surrender, fully commit, put in the work and ask Him for the Faith knowing that He will carry you to the end. If you do these things you will be set free, restored and purposed for the life God created you for.
To learn more about "The Hem of His Garment" or "Binding Up the Brokenhearted" studies the changed Connie and Sabrina's lives, please visit our "Get Help Now" page.