2024 Healing Hearts National Conference   (Sept. 19-22, 2024 Dallas, TX)

Made for God's Pleasure

Are we living for our own pleasure or for God's? Revelation 4:11 tells us that God "created all things, and for [His] pleasure they are, and were created." If we were created to bring Him pleasure, we must be serious about asking how we are using our lives - our gifts, talents, and abilities - to please God.

Includes advanced training workshops on Addiction with Dr. Mark Shaw.

Conference Speakers:

Dr. Mark Shaw

"Biblical Perspectives on Addiction", "Understanding Temptation"

Eric Anderson

"God's Work and Our Identity", "Holy Living to the Glory of a Holy God"

Julie Zimmerman

Workshop #1
"Clients that Challenge & Challenging Clients"

Teresa Rinker

Workshops #2, #3
"Growing Ministry in Your Church", "Working with Your Overseer"

Sue Liljenberg

Bonus Workshop
"Knowing & Growing Your Calling"
Required Reading:
"The Cost of Discipleship" (book by Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
Recommended Study: